Aquaterra Therapies
Formerly Healing Waters
Lori Barbier
Lori Barbier, LMBT, is a founding member of the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association (WABA) and has been a Certified Aquatics Aerobics Instructor since 1993.
She is licensed by the State of North Carolina (NCLMBT #3284) for Massage Therapy and WATSU – the first and only person licensed in both therapies practicing in our area.
Whether in the massage room or WATSU pool, Lori has created a spa-quality, comfortable, light-filled
and supportive space for her practice, including the only WATSU-specific pool in the Triangle.
Dedicated to wellness, fitness and healing, Lori has the training, sensitivity and experience to nurture her clients and support their bodies’ ability to heal.
Her work with a local chiropractic practice has deepened her sense of an individual’s unique physiology, allowing her to offer relief and healing for a broad range of complaints. She continues her studies with seminars and training sessions, staying current with the most up-to- date techniques for her multiple therapies.